Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Akron Comicon 2014 Review Part 2: Costumes and Cosplay

I saw a ton of great cosplayers walking around all day! The day ended with the costume contest.

 Deadpool vs. Deathstroke

 Jessica Rabbit

 Who you gonna call?

 "I knew it! I'm surrounded by Assholes!"

 Leeloo and Captain Kirk

 The REAL Lobo! (Don't call me Gene Simmons!)

 "I am Groot!"

Gaslight Joker.

Boba Fett and a Jawa.

 Captain Eyeball!

 Thor, Black Widow and Loki.

 Sonic and Mario.

 The Question.

Adult male winners.
1. Captain Jack Sparrow
2. '89 Joker
3. Scarecrow

Adult female winners.
1. Poison Ivy
2. Robin 
3. Black Widow

Young boy winners.
1. Robot Ares 
2. Casey Jones 
3. Starlord

Young girl winners.
1. Gameboy
2. Phoenix 
3. Wonder Woman

 Best overall costume winner - Ghostbusters family.

Ivy and Scarecrow.

 '89 Joker
