Sunday, November 02, 2014

Halloween Clearance and A Thank You

I want to thank everyone who visited Wonderful Wonderblog during The Countdown To Halloween. Halloweentime is probably my favorite time of the year and I love sharing spooky stuff on my blog! I hope I entertained at least a few people with my posts. I think I have enough Halloween cutouts to do this again next year. Thanks again for stopping by, I really appreciate it!

Of course I hit some of the after Halloween clearance sales. I was hoping to find one of those four foot, pre-lit black Halloween trees. I saw them earlier in the month, but I'm too cheap to pay full price. :)  Of course there weren't any left. But I did buy some ornaments really cheap. I might just pay full price next year for one. Here's what I got --


  1. Thank you for all the Halloween fun posts! Can't wait until next year!

  2. Thanks for your posts Erick! They certainly added to my Halloween season :)

  3. I saw a tree similar to the one you mention in CVS. I think it was 5' and pre-lit. It might be too late now, but check all your stores. I noticed some stores had plenty of stock of one thing while other locations were sold out.
