Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Cleveland Classic Media

This is  really neat. The Cleveland Classic Media Facebook page is sharing some old slides from a local Cleveland TV station. Here's the description from the page:

"Several years ago someone at TV 8 WJW-TV was kind enough to offer me hundreds of "slides" which were used to promote Local and CBS Shows, as well as just utility slides for various purposes. While I've posted some in the past, it's been well over a year since I've posted any of them. Tonight I went through some of them and picked out 82 of them, which I will post over the next couple of days..Some I may have posted before but I seem to have multiple copies of some..Some I don't remember seeing before even though I've had these slides over two years (possibly longer). These date from the late WJW days (1976-77) until WJKW (1977-83. Some have the old "ei8ht" logo which would date them late '76, early '77."
Be sure to check them out. Here's some of my favorites so far.


  1. Very cool, thanks for sharing! I'll be checking these out.

  2. By the way, that side of the Captain America television show just brings back bad memories. Such a disappointment to my 10 year old Marvel Comic loving self.
