Sunday, October 04, 2015

Burger King Halloween Whopper

Of course I had to try the new Burger King HA1loween Whopper! It's like a regular Whopper except it has A1 Sauce on it and it's also baked into the bun which is dyed black. I had to take the onions off of mine because onions are gross. Other than that, it really didn't taste that bad. I would recommend trying it.

Also, the stories are true. The food coloring in the buns turns your poop green. Sorry, no pictures of that. lol


  1. I can confirm the black food dye issue - years ago, a co-worker's 50th birthday rolled around and he was presented with a black-frosted cake - entirely black. Everyone came to work the next day whispering to each other, "Hey...something really weird happened to me last night..."

  2. I feel it's more of a trick than a treat. I'm still burping it up and tasting the "black". Strangely that bun was the most natural part of the burger.

  3. Sue -- Haha!

    Scary Jerry -- I didn't mind it. I'll probably have another one sometime this month!

  4. won't be trying it. A1 sauce is nasty tasting!!!!!

  5. No local Burger King so I won't be getting this treat. I've heard mostly good things about it except for tricky side effects.

  6. zillapig2005 -- Bro, A-1 Sauce is the bomb! I drink it right out of the bottle! :)

    Jamdin -- Where do you live that there are no Burger Kings? I have about 20 of them within 10 minutes of my house. I actually think the "tricky side effects" are the best part. lol

  7. I tried one today and the subtle A-1 flavor was nice. The bun was a little harder than normal, though, almost like it was stale. I wonder if that's the way they're supposed to be?

  8. Stephen -- I thought the bun was a little drier than usual. It's probably supposed to be that way.

  9. I live in SouthCentral Kansas. The closet Burger Kings are about an hour's drive away.

  10. Jamdin -- Wow. I just assumed everyone lived by a Burger King. :)
