Sunday, June 19, 2016

I Met 'Rollo' From Sanford and Son Today!

Today was a pretty good Father's Day. We went to my in-laws house and had a cook out. It was me, my wife, our son, his girlfriend, and my mother and father-in-law. FIL grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, ka-bobs, and corn on the cob. My wife made a fruit pizza. Everything was wonderful!

After that my wife and I went to the Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park. They had the original truck from Sanford and Son and a free meet and greet with actor Nathaniel "Rollo" Taylor. He was really cool. My wife and I also played a few slot machines and left with $35 more than we came in with!

It was a pretty good Father's Day! :)


  1. Awesome. I loved that show as a kid. That would have been a huge thrill. Glad you had the opportunity.

  2. Dude! That's awesome!! I wanna meet Rolo! He was quite the Mack back in the day.

  3. That's awesome! "Rollo and Hollow". according to Fred. He did his part on Sanford and Son.
