Monday, July 04, 2016

Celebrating The Bicentennial At Walt Disney World

Walt Disney World and Disneyland both celebrated the USA's bicentennial from June 1975 to September 1976. In July of 1975 my family went on vacation to Orlando, FL. Me, my brother, dad, mom and grandma all piled in the station wagon on a two day drive from Ohio to Florida. We stayed in a rented condo and spent a lot of time in the swimming pool, ocean and fishing. We also visited Walt Disney World, Cypress Gardens, and Stars Hall of Fame Wax Museum. Today I'm sharing my photos from Disney World.

Ben Franklin picked my brother and me out of the audience to come up on stage with him. He gave a speech and then handed us both a copy of the Declaration of Independence and a metal.

My brother and me photobombed by grandma. :)

Alligator Swamp

The Pirates of the Caribbean

Jungle Cruise

Log cabin with a canon.

The Magic Kingdom

My brother and me on Main Street.

The Admiral Jim Fowler Steamboat

We probably had this guide back then, Wish I still did. 

I do still have this copy of the Declaration of Independence. I still have the medal somewhere.

I also have this Indian vest and necklace.

And still have the gun and tomahawk from my trip to Disney World 41 years ago!


  1. I too rode on a steam (paddle) Boat that week, back in 76' "The Belle of Louisville" was the boat's name ... and I was on crutches still (from car accident earlier that year). Hope that you and yours had an enjoyable 4th. ... Hello from Marshville...

  2. Dr. Theda -- My 4th was very uneventful. I didn't do anything. Hope you had a nice 4th.

  3. That's great stuff. Loved doing those fun things as a kid. Great memories and great post.

  4. Family trips in the 70's were great. We went to Disneyworld in 1978 (in February!) I didn't get a cool black powder gun or fringe vest like you though. Love those hats you and your brother are wearing on Main Street. Forgot about those. I think the log cabin with the cannon is the fort on Tom Sawyer Island. My family and I just came back from Disneyworld last week. The fort is still there with mounted guns, but I don't recall seeing a cannon.

  5. Tom -- We only took a couple family trips in the 70s and this was the big one! I may actually still have one of those hats, also. I've been to Disney World twice. 1975 and 2000. I sure would love to go again.

  6. Hello! Sorry, you music is excelent, but the links are dead. Can you reuploaded in the future. Thanks.
