Friday, July 29, 2016

I'm 50 Years Old Today! How Did This Happen?

Man, 50 seemed really old when I was a kid. Now, not so much. Well, my body feels like it's 90, but in my mind I'm still a little kid. :)

I had a birthday party this past Saturday. I haven't had a birthday party in many decades. But, I thought 50 was a pretty big milestone. Instead of buying me a gift, my wife (with a little help from me) put the party together. It was held in my mother-in-laws church, because it was free since she's a member. It was decorated in a nerd theme with the colors being green and purple, representing my fondness of the Incredible Hulk (not the Joker as my brother teased lol).

I had a really wonderful time reminiscing with both old and new family, friends and co-workers. And now for some photos:

Food table 1.

Food table 2.

Memories table.

I was really happy that Ace Frehley could make it! :) 

The church even had a purple cross on the wall. But, I wasn't allowed to decorate it.

The church was a Pokéstop, so a bunch of us were playing Pokémon Go!

I had a white cake with cherry filling.


And now for some gifts.
Vintage Hulk comic and foreign Pokémon cards.

Toys 'R' Us gift card.

SDCC and Gamestop exclusive Cowboy Deadpool Funko Pop!

Everybody knows I have a t-shirt addiction. :)

Unleash the Hulk

The Muppet Show

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The End


  1. Love your blog!

    Oh, and happy birthday, big guy!

  2. Shulkie -- it's a great shirt!

    Anon. -- Thank you!

  3. Happy Birthday looks like a great day! Love the Muppet T, I have never seen that one.

  4. Thanks Bob! That Muppet tee is from Walmart.

  5. Happy belated birthday Erick. Your blog rocks!

  6. Happy belated birthday Erick. Your blog rocks!

  7. Looks like you had a great time and The Muppets shirt was a definite win! Happy belated birthday.

  8. Happy belated birthday from Great Britain. I reached 50 back in February but I didn't have a party just a chocolate cake :)

  9. Thanks Colin. Happy belated birthday to you, also! :)

  10. A belated Happy Birthday to you Erick!
    Oddly enough, I have a distinct memory of reading your post about your 40th birthday. It made me wonder if my (our) goofy interests would ever fade after strolling past the mid life mark. Obviously not! Nor will it ever. Yes it's alarming that that was a decade ago, but it's also been a great ten years.
    Here's to a happy 60th!


  11. Late to the party but wishing you a happy b'day!! Enjoy you site & so, besides the well wishes, sincere thanks to you on a fun site!

  12. Kirk -- Thanks! It's hard to believe I've been blogging for 10 years! Hopefully there'll be at least 10 more years of goofy stuff. :)

    Nancy -- Thank you very much!
