Friday, November 04, 2016

Akron Comicon Is This Weekend

I'll be there Saturday. This has been one of my absolute favorite shows for the last five years. They put on a really great show. Great guests, dealers, panels, costume contest, etc. If you've never been to this convention, I highly recommend going. See you there!

Some of this year's guests include:

Aaron Archer
Jackson Bostwick
Reb Brown
Mike Curtis
Alan Davis
Martin Egeland
Alan Grant
Arvell Jones
P. Craig Russell
Joe Staton
John Totleben
Craig Yoe!

Please visit the following links for more info:

Facebook Page
Facebook Group
Facebook Event Page


  1. Awesome Flashing Skulls mug I love it. I love spooky stuff like that even though it can be kitch.
    I was looking at some of the old powell peralta boards recently and it got me searching for spooky stuff like this.
    Glad to see an old blog still going! No idea about what the post above is about though.

  2. Man I came over to your blog because I realized that I hadnt seen one of you posts about celebrity passing in a long time ! Now I see that you havent posted in 9 months, I hope you are ok.

  3. Thanks for checking in Bro Midnight! I'm fine, I guess I'm just all blogged out. I do still post stuff on Wonderful Wonderblog's Facebook page. Check it out if you can. :)
