Monday, October 02, 2017

It's Alive! and The Omen

Today's share is a couple of paperback adaptions of 1970s horror movies.

It's Alive by Richard Woodley ©1977

The Omen by David Seltzer ©1976


  1. We have both of these paper-back books (they were my Mom's)...
    Cover of "Its Alive" is a bit damaged...

  2. We also have Omen II paperback ... liked the way that the Omen books have a set of black and white stills on pages in the middle of the books...

  3. They had that damn poster ad for "Alive" on the back of comic books when I was a kid. Freaked me out.

  4. I remember seeing the movie "It's Alive" when I was a youth - that crazy bloodthirsty baby!

  5. Good Lady M... the Baby was made by (a much younger) Rick Baker (Melting Man, American Werewolf... )
