Sunday, October 07, 2018

The Halloween Mood

I haven't really been in a Halloween mood for some reason this year. I haven't even put up any decorations.

I'm hoping that changes now.  My wife and I finally decided what we are dressing up as and I bought the stuff to make the costumes. I need to hurry, our first party is this Saturday! I also bought some Halloween food. How's your Halloween going so far?


  1. Mine's been a little slow to start, but I drug the tubs of decorations out of the attic this weekend. Still haven't gone through them, but one step at a time.

  2. I am gaining weight just looking at that haul! I feel your pain - Halloween is coming fast. So much to do and so little time.

  3. Hello again from Great Britain :) Nice to see Wonderful Octoberblog...I mean Wonderblog...up again. Your love of Hallowe'en is curious to me probably because it wasn't really celebrated when I was a kid - I remember going to a Hallowe'en party when I was 12 in 1978 but that's about it for childhood Hallowe'en memories. No dressing up, no Trick Or Treat, no pumpkins. For us British kids the big event was Guy Fawkes Night on November 5th. But I enjoy your annual countdown to Hallowe'en so I'll be following the blog every day till October 31st.

  4. I'm with Tom we have not even decorated yet sadly too much going on.

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