Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Welcome October!

Today is October 1st. The official beginning of the Halloween season! It's also the start of the Countdown to Halloween. I've been participating in this annual blog-o-thon for over a decade now! My, how time flies.

Be sure to check out the Countdown to Halloween blog for a list of blogs partaking in this year's festivities and come back to Wonderful Wonderblog every couple of days to see what I have up my sleeve.

Also, if you are taking part in the Countdown this year, leave a link to your Facebook or Twitter in the comment section below so that I can follow you on social media.

To kick things off, here's some photos of me from Halloweens past that I've shared many times before.



  1. Great costumes! Enjoy the Countdown and all October!

  2. I agree with Joe. You've made some wonderful costumes.

  3. I can't wait to discover what costume you'll wear this year.

  4. Looking forward to another Halloween season with your blog. By the way, are you the disgruntled Superman or the peace-loving Batman?

  5. Thanks for the comments everyone! I'm glad you liked my costumes. :)

    Michael Jones - As of right now I don't have a costume this year. The hosts of the Halloween party we went to every year moved to Florida. :/

    Tom - I'm Batman!

  6. You said that in Michael Keaton's voice, didn't you?

  7. I always look forward to your countdown to Halloween. Keep up the spirit!

  8. Awesome costumes! I wish I had more childhood Halloween photos. I need to make sure to take lots of my kids for future posterity. Happy Halloween!

  9. Thanks Mason. Happy Halloween to you, also!

  10. Hey, Erick, did you know they used that Batman and Superman picture in the "Halloween in a Box" documentary? I was just watching and saw that picture and said, "Hey, I know that picture!"

  11. Tom - I did not know that. That's awesome! Thanks for letting me know.
