Sunday, October 24, 2021

Krispy Kreme Halloween Donuts

I went to my local Krispy Kreme and bought a dozen of their Halloween donuts. I asked to get them in the Spellbook box, but found out it had to be specific Halloween donuts to get that box. I wanted a couple of pumpkin spice donuts, so no cool box for me. The donuts are good, they taste like... donuts. lol



  1. I think I would have ordered the other box just for the box!

    Your Crypt Keeper, Michelle

  2. I'm British and we don't have Krispy Kreme here, or Walmart. But my local supermarket does sell Halloween-themed confectionary. I bought a packet of Jaffa-Cake Bars but the design on the packet seems inspired more by Mexico's Day Of The Dead (on November 2nd) than by Halloween.

  3. Don't have one of these nearby, or I would have bought this, too. So very awesome!
