Friday, October 28, 2022

7-Inch Halloween Records

I apologize for not posting much during this year's Countdown to Halloween. I started off the month really excited about posting, but then I just didn't. I'm not sure why. Maybe my blogging days are behind me. There are still a few days left, let's see what I can do. :) 

Here are the 7-inch Spooky records in my collection.


  1. I used to have that Monster Mash record! I was kind of afraid of it,to be honest; I was very young (and stupid). :)

  2. Great round up of albums and art!

    Hear you about blogging. I just use tumblr now, but the lack of interaction doesn't help making me excited about continuing. Times change, I suppose.

    Hope you have been enjoying the season, at least.

  3. Does my Georgie the Ghost 45 that you gave me to go with my book count? I remember getting the book with the record inside from Scholastic when I was in grade school. I'd since bought the book,but was super excited to know you had the record. Now...all I need is a
