Monday, October 03, 2022

Monster Cereal Figurines Designed by KAWS


Hey! Everyone knows about these figures, right?
You can win a set of them by entering the contest on the back of the Monster Cereals box.
Well, guess what? I got the email below today. I won!!!
I only sent in one entry. Anyone else win?


  1. Congrats. I didn't even look but I will now. I have Count Chocula in the pantry.

  2. I’ve seen quite a few people win, which is great! Still waiting for my email :)

  3. Congratulations. I haven't even found the Monster Cereals yet on the shelves as of Sunday

  4. We couldn't find them in stores either, but my wife found a four-pack of the cereal on

  5. Thanks everyone. That's weird that you can't find them in stores. All of the stores by me have them.

  6. Congratulations! I envy you, not so much because of the figures, but because you can buy the cereals. I never had them as a kid, my mum wouldn't allow us to eat it. Then as an adult, since I moved to the UK, I can't find them.
