Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Orson Wells' War of the Worlds (Longines Symphonette Society Records)(1968)

The next record in my collection is Orson Wells' War of the Worlds on Longines Symphonette Society Records from1968.

Released by arrangement with Manheim Fox Entreprises,Inc.

The original broadcast that panicked the nation.

The actual broadcast by The Mercury Theatre On The Air as heard over the Columbia Broadcasting System, October 30 1938. The most thrilling drama ever broadcast from the famed Howard Koch script!

An authentic first edition...never before released! Complete, not a dramatic word cut! Script by Howard Koch from the famous H.G. Wells novel...featuring the most famous performance from The Mercury Theatre On The Air!


  1. I have this one as well. I play it every Halloween for background ambiance.

  2. What a gem to have in your collection! I've wanted to actually listen to this so thank you for sharing the video at the end.

  3. That's cool, Tom.

    You're very welcome, Chelsea.

  4. Thanks for posting!! I always enjoy your countdown to Halloween and the cool stuff from your collection.
