Friday, October 13, 2023

Dracula: The First Modern Vampire

 From the YouTube channel PBS Storied.


  1. I'm glad the video mentioned "The Land Beyond The Forest" by the Scottish writer Emily Gerard which was about the customs of Transylvania. I remember reading that the book includes the first ever appearance of the word "Nosferatu" which was unknown in any of the languages of South-East Europe so Ms. Gerard might have invented it!

    The TV mini-series Salem's Lot scared the living daylights out of me when I first saw it, aged 15, in 1981 when it was shown here in the UK. In my opinion the vampire Mr. Barlow is still the most terrifying vampire who has ever appeared on screen!

  2. Can you believe I've never seen Salem's Lot?

  3. I'm amazed, Erick! Salem's Lot was really scary!

  4. Many favorites. Lugosi, of course. But love Christopher Lee. Dracula: Prince of Darkness is a favorite. Also a big fan of Louis from Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. Thanks for posting!
