Friday, October 31, 2008

Count Morbida's Monster Quiz Book: Den Of Doom

Here it is, Boils and Ghouls, what you've been waiting for! The fifth and final installment of Count Morbida's Monster Quiz Book!!

Den Of Doom

(click on the images to enlarge)

Previous Count Morbida's Monster Quiz Book posts --

Part One

Part Two: The Bat Yard

Part Three: The Ghostly Ghastly Gallery

Part Four: The Perilous Pain Parlor

So, did anybody take the monster quizzes? How did you do?

I hope everyone enjoyed the Halloween Countdown this year. It was tough keeping up with all of the participating blogs. But it was fun. I'll probably spend most of the weekend catching up on the other blogs. And then I'll probably take a week or two off from blogging. Unless I see something that catches my eye and I have to blog about it :)

Have a ghoulishly good Halloween!!