Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Let The Countdown Begin!

The Halloween Countdown 2008 has begun! I'm gonna try to post something Halloween or monster related every day in October. Please don't be too disappointed if I miss a few days :)

Be sure to visit the sites listed below and try not to overload on the strange, macabre and bizarre. A special thanks to Jon at Random Acts of Geekery for the Halloween Countdown logo.

If you have a blog and are featuring a month full of Halloween stuff, let me know and I'll add you to the list.

All Eyes and Ears
The Armchair Chef
Art by Bubba Shelby
Azathoth's Abode on the Plateau of Leng
Azathoth's Abode on the Plateau of Leng: The Dungeon
Branded in the 80's
Cavalcade of Awesome
Comic Coverage
Creepy Los Angeles
Dave Lowe Design!
Digital Meltd0wn
Distinctly Jamaican Sounds
Diversions of the Groovy Kind
Dr. K's 100-Page Super Spectacular
Dr. Squid's Smorgasbord of Terror!
The Drunken Secered Head
Frankensteinia: The Frankenstein Blog
Franklin Mint Blog
Halloween Addict
Halloween in the Time of Cholera
The Hallowe'en Tree
Harvey's Midnight Hour
Holiday Queen
Horror Host Graveyard
The Horrors of It All
House of Wax
Magic Carpet Burn
Mark Harvey's World
Monster Crazy
Monster Memories!
Monster Rally
Monsters and More
Moongem Comics
Mostly Ghostly Music Sharing Blaaahhhggg!!!
Music From the Monster Movies 1950-69
Music You (Possibly) Won't Hear Anyplace Else
Musty TV
Neato Ghoulville
Negative Pleasure
Nostalgia Factory
A Nostalgic Halloween
Oh The Horror
Orange and Black
Para Abnormal
Plaid Stallions
Plastic Pumpkins
Pumpkin Hollow
Random Acts of Geekery
The Sexy Armpit
Sweet Skulls
13 Visions
Tikiranch Hallows
Trixie's Treats
Universal Horror Sounds
Vinnie Rattolie's Records
Weird Hollow

Along with all of the new stuff, I'm gonna highlight some of my favorite Halloween posts from the past two years. First up is two of the most popular music compilations that I've shared --
Halloween Stomp

Elvira Presents Haunted Hits


  1. Gotta love those elvira albums ;)

    Good list of sites this year - I hope I can find time to check them all.

  2. Good Luck this year, Erick! I look forward to seeing what you bring. Halloween Stomp is one of the best Halloween Albums of all time. You wouldn't believe the trouble I went through to get one back before the music sharing days.

  3. Add me to your Halloween Countdown list. Thanks.

  4. Please add to the list. I'm on board and will do my best to blog my heart out this holiday season.

    My best,

    Mark Harvey

  5. Your Halloween Countdown idea is awesome! Hope you'll let me join the party. I've got a month's worth of monsterous posts in the works, starting with today's look at the 1970s Spectre.

    Here's my link:


  6. I have a wax museum blog, and all my October posts will be focused on the Chamber of Horrors! Here's the link:


  7. The list of Halloween bloggers keeps getting bigger and bigger. I think I've added everyone to the list.

    @Rozum -- Believe it or not I found the Halloween Stomp CD at my local library.

    @The Groovy Agent -- The Halloween Countdown wasn't my idea. I believe it was started by John Rozum.

    @Everybody -- be sure to let John and Random Acts of Geekery know that you want to join the Countdown so they can add you to their list.

    Thanks everybody. It should be a wild month.

  8. I don't know that I started the Halloween Countdown. I think some of us (Secret Fun Blog, Neatocoolville, Plastic Pumpkins, myself) were doing it independently. I tried to bring everyone together as something of a group event, rather than everyone just being isolated and posting alone into the void.

  9. Well, even though you may not have started it, thanks for bringing everyone together.

  10. Great Blog! I would like to take part in the Halloween countdown if its not to late. I have a couple of things on my blog that I haven't seen anywhere else. Add me to the list if you can.

  11. Howdy. My asylum at is doing 32 Days of Halloween, because we're heavily caffeinated and couldn't wait for 10/1. You can find that mess here:

