Tuesday, February 09, 2010

One Lovely Blog Award

I got my second blog award! I'm a little late in posting this, I was given this award a few weeks ago.

Joanna from the blog The Christmas TV Companion has graced me with the One Lovely Blog Award. Thank you for the award Joanna, it is much appreciated. You can read her original post here and check out all of the other cool blogs she gave the award to. Joanna is the author of the book The Christmas TV Companion: a Guide to Cult Classics, Strange Specials & Outrageous Oddities. The book can be purchased from her blog, the official book website or Amazon.com.

OK, so now I'm supposed to pass this on to 15 other blogs. But, I think that's too many. I'm only gonna choose seven. I'll pick different blogs than the 10 I gave my first blog award to. Just tryin' to spread the love a little. Of course none of these blogs are obligated to pass this award on. Here's seven blogs I enjoy (in alphabetical order) --

The Attack of the B-Movie Muzak
A Christmas Yuleblog
The Defenders Fansite
Me and You and a Blog Named Boo
Yesterville Toy Room


  1. congrats, i like the new head banner!

  2. Evilmonster -- Thank you. I thought I'd do a little something for Valentine's Day.

    Joanna -- I like it very much. Thanks again.

  3. Wow, thanks so much!! I'm sorry it took me until Friday to see this. I really appreicate it!

  4. Thanks, Erick. What a nice surprise! I've added you to the blogroll at The Defenders Fansite.

  5. Cool! First off congratulations on your award, well deserved. Second, thanks for your award, I'm glad you enjoy the blog and all the toys!

  6. You're awesome... and thank YOU for the compliment!
