Monday, July 28, 2014

Blogiversary, Birthday and a Giveaway!

Well, I missed the anniversary of Wonderful Wonderblog. On July 18 this blog turned eight years old! Wow! Whoda thunkit? It's kind of hard to believe I've been doing this for that long. I don't post as much as I used to, so I really appreciate everyone that has hung around.

Also, tomorrow (July 29th) is my birthday! I'll be 48 years old! Yikes! In my mind I'm still a little kid playing with toys and reading comic books. But, my body let's me know I'm not that young anymore. :)

So, to celebrate the blogiversary and my birthday, I thought I'd give one loyal fan of Wonderful Wonderblog some gifts. I'm not going to say what they are, because I'm not sure yet. I'll sort through some of my junk treasures and put together a prize package. It'll probably contain some toys, comics, trading cards, etc. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment below. Make sure your email address is in your profile or leave it in your comment. I'll randomly pick a winner in one week on August 4th.

***Giveaway is now closed. Thanks to everyone who entered***

Thanks for checking out Wonderful Wonderblog these past eight years! Now, start leaving those comments!

Oh, one last thing. If anyone would like to get me a belated birthday present, here's some toys that I owned in my youth, but lost track of over the years. LOL


  1. Congratulations! 8 years is a massive accomplishment in blogging!Here to the next 8 years of wonderful wonder blog!
    And happy early birthday to you!

  2. Erick, As I am a whole year older than you (to the day, as you know), you should listen to your elder and celebrate both your (our) birthday and the anniversary of your blog by treating yourself to one of thosse grat toys. My brother had the Goodyear model and the giant Navarone mountain set. I have the shrunken head set. Nothing beats old toys.

    Rob Tullo

  3. Wow, 8 years is awesome! Congrats and have a kickass birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday and Blogiversary, Erick. I'm right behind you in age at 47 and halfway behind you on blogging at 4 years. I missed my blogiversary on July 10th. I'll have to remember for my 5-year next year. Keep on blogging and I'll keep on reading.

  5. Erick, love the blog. Happy Blogiversary an Birthday! It's sometimes a quiet but always cool blog experience!

    All the best.

  6. I hope to still be blogging by Year Eight [i just passed my one year a couple months ago], and I definitely want to still be into toys and comics when I hit 48. Congrats on the anniversary and very happy early birthday wishes!

    [also, goddamn, i had that Navarone play-set and absolutely loved it.]

  7. That Marx Mountain of Navarone is on my list too! I am just as desperate to get my childhood toys back. I will be turning 42 this November. I think I have most beat in age here.

    I poured all of my money into making Monster Cafe Saltillo and now whatever comes in I have to get my childhood back!

  8. Happy Birthday and Happy 8th Anniversary! I'll be clicking over to 48 this year myself - Finally getting to Comic Con for the first time my time was spent looking at all the toys more so than anything else...I love toys! Congrats again and good luck! -- Nick (hncreature(at)yahoo(dot)com

  9. Happy natal anniversary and blogiversary :)

  10. Congratulations and Happy Birthday! So glad to have discovered your blog most recently and have really enjoyed see all of your treasure finds. And am not one to shy away from a giveaway so count me in and here is my email

  11. Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday! I had the Skittle Bowl and the Goodyear Blimp toy as a child too. I used to LOVE making new signs for the blimp. I hope you find what you're looking for :D

  12. A Woo-Woo-BDay! C'mon are you kidding me? 8 years? Well, for sure one of the greatest...your work and dedication are immeasurable. Thank you!

  13. happy happy happy happy... happy happy happy happy... anniversary. you have been and are a blog staple in this world, that we all have enjoyed and will still enjoy for a long time to come. also a birthday nod, you are only as old as you want to be... be where you want.

    last i had the guns of navarone play set as a kid... it was one of my favorite things, damn me for growing up and not understanding the cool stuff i had.

  14. The only toy above I owned was Skittle Ball. I miss it.
    Congrats on 8, mate.

  15. Congrats! Hope you continue on for 8 more after this!

  16. New to the blog, but really enjoying it. Congrats on the anniversary!

  17. Happy birthday to you!

    And what do you know - this blog and myself share a birthday (although I popped out around 21 years before your blog did).

  18. Love the blog, Erick! Big congrats to you! Thanks to you and the Wonderblog for being such a great resource of wonderful things…

  19. Wow Erick...eight years of finger crunching blogging. Congrats dude and Happy Birthday. Let's see where your at in another eight years.

  20. Love your blog. It's great. All of the treasures you post make me smile from ear to ear.

  21. Happy Birthday Erick, And Congats on Wonderful Wonderblog's 8 Year Anniversary, Wish you and the Wonderblog many more years to come. :)


  22. Yup! I had Navarone too!
    Eventually it became a battleground between Micronauts, Fisher-price figures, Star-Wars figures, and other assorted toys.
    Rag-tag armies, I guess!
    Congrats, by the way.

  23. Happy Blogiversary! Hope you have many more.

    I remember having that Goodyear Blimp. Every so often I'll find a few pieces of the paper you make the signs with. I had the Shrunken Head kit as well. My mother got into a fender-bender when she was searching stores for it!

    Anyway, congrats again on the annivesary!

    Tony Redman

  24. Love the blog!!! Congrats on your anniversary! You lasted longer on the web than I did!

  25. I've been reading your blog for several years now...Love it! Congrats on your anniversary/birthday and here is to many more!

  26. Happy belated Birthday Erick. Trying to keep up with the blog!

  27. WOW eight years! That's one heck of a run. Here's to another eight, and eight after that!

    Keep on rockin' in the free world, Erick!

  28. Congrats and happy birthday! Super Toe was the business.
