Thursday, July 24, 2014

Return To The Estate Sales!

In my last post I said I would return to an estate sale where I bought some lunchboxes and other "junk". Well, I returned last Friday. I also stopped at a couple of other sales.

Let's see what goodies I got this time.

This sale had lots of glasses and mugs. I got these for 50¢ each. A Bud Light Spuds MacKenzie Fright Night mug from 1987. Two Pizza Hut E.T. glasses from 1982. A 1978 Garfield the Cat glass from McDonald's. And a Disney World 25th Anniversary glass from McDonald's.

Also for 50¢ each I got a Superman Cupholder from 1988. A pvc Wizard Mickey Mouse and a rubber ALF (missing two fingers).

At the second sale I got The Official Polish/Italian Joke Book, How To Speak Southern book and a 1980 McDonald's Garfield glass mug. All three for 50¢!

On the third stop of my journey I bought this Tales From The Crypt Crypt Keeper Candelabra from 1996 for $3.00.

And lastly I stopped at a little junk store that just recently opened and bought four more glasses. Two Shrek and two more Disney. All four for $3.00.

I'd say that was another pretty good haul for a total of $10.50.

I think I'm going to have to slow down on my buying. I'm becoming a hoarder and my wife isn't real happy about that. :)


  1. Jealous on that Crypt Keeper and at $3 you got a hell of a deal! I been wanting one of these but the few times i run across them they are priced too high for me.

  2. I always think about going to estate sales when I see the signs but I always picture them as being in some mansion with elegant furniture that costs more than my car.

  3. I havent seen that Ftight Night mug in years!If I remember correctly that one glows in the dark. That crypt keeper is a real score! At 3 bucks thats an amazing deal, it sell for $50.00 most of the time.

  4. Welcome back to estate and garage saling, Erick! Some nice finds, especially that Crypt Keeper. And Dex, nothing could be farther from the truth, at least in my area. The estate sales I attend are almost all middle-class 60's homes with bar basements and lots of cool stuff to browse through. It's the cheapest way to time travel and the only way to snoop through someone else's house without getting arrested!
