Saturday, July 12, 2014

Some "Junk" I Bought At An Estate Sale

I haven't written about the stuff I bought over the July 4th yet, but I couldn't wait to show everyone what I picked up yesterday.

Friday after work, a co-worker and I went to a few estate sales. I didn't find anything at the first two, but I hit the jackpot at the third one. It was wall to wall "stuff". Whoever used to live there was obviously a collector of many things. I was told that they haven't even went through the attic or basement yet. I know where I'll be going next Friday!

Here's what I came home with --

Two metal lunchboxes from 1983. They're not in mint condition but, they should display just fine. The Seasons of Sesame Street lunchbox (made by Aladdin) still had the thermos. I paid $6.00 for it. The Return of the Jedi (Thermos brand) didn't have the thermos. I paid $8.00 for it because, well, it's Star Wars!

Three old horror records for $1.00 each. The Suspense Bela Lugosi record I've never seen before. It's an original radio broadcast with narrative introduction by Bela Lugosi, Jr. It was released by Mark 56 Records in 1973. Drop Dead! An exercise in horror! by Arch Oboler was released by Capitol Records in 1962. Sounds To Make You Shiver! Released by Pickwick in 1974. This was my absolute favorite scary record when I was a kid. I still have my original copy plus another one my brother picked up years ago. So, this makes three! I just can't resist them. Here's a Youtube video featuring side 1 of the album:

Two McDonald's The Great Muppet Caper Miss Piggy glasses from 1981. I already have one of these, but again I can't resist old character glasses cheap. A Miami Dolphins plastic stein. My brother is a Dolphins fan, so this is for him. I paid 50¢ each for these.

A vintage Handy Counter and a Masters of the Universe Battle Cat for 50¢ each. And lastly an Oscar Meyer Wienermobile whistle for $1.00.

I paid a total of $20.50 for all of this. I'm pretty happy with that. I can't wait to go back next week. She said she thinks there are more lunchboxes in the attic!!!


  1. Awesome scores! I remember the Sounds To Make You Shiver record from when i was a youngster.

  2. Those were really great prices for those lunchboxes! You find them just about anywhere these days and they go for 20+.

    Awesome finds all around!

  3. And here I am contemplating buying the Sounds record for $20. There is no justice in this world.

  4. I actually found my 70's Munsters Lunchbox in my basement after all these years. Added bonus, my peanut butter sandwich was still in it. Priceless!

  5. Sounds to Make You Shiver was one of my childhood favorites....

  6. Can't stop laughing at Wienermobile whistle...

  7. Nice lunch boxes! I need a Star Wars lunch box or something, I'm to self-conscious to bring my Muppet Babies one.

  8. Very Cool. Mom mom bought that Star Wars lunch box for me at a thrift shop when I was in 3rd. Grade. I have it displayed with several other metal and plastic lunch boxes.

  9. Some very nice estate sale finds! I've never seen the Bela Lugosi album nor the Drop Dead album. And a nice Dolphins Thermoserv mug. I have a friend that collects those and I always grab them when I see them.

  10. Thanks for the comments everyone!

    Tom - This sale had a bunch of these mugs, mostly beer related.
