Thursday, September 29, 2016

Countdown To Halloween 2016

Holy smokes! The Countdown to Halloween starts Saturday! I'd better get some posts ready.  I've been doing this for 10 years. You'd think I'd plan ahead. :)

I am once again participating in the annual Countdown to Halloween. I will be posting 31 days of spooky and/or Halloweenie things throughout the month of October.

I want to see your old Halloween photos! If you have pictures of  yourself, family or friends dressed up, trick or treating, or partying please email them to me here. I'd love to feature them on a future blog post.

If you or someone you know has a blog and does a Halloween countdown of some sort, check out the Countdown to Halloween blog for details on how to join the fun.

If you're participating in the Countdown to Halloween and also share your posts on Facebook or Twitter, please leave a link in the comment section below so that I can follow you.

Thanks for checking out Wonderful Wonderblog! I hope you enjoy this years Countdown to Halloween.