Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Quarter Box.

Has it really been over a year since I've done a quarter box post? The last one I see is from July 12, 2015. Wow! I suck as a blogger. :)

Anywho, here's what I've picked up from my local comic shops 25¢ box in the last 14 months (there are a few more monster related comics that I'm going to wait until October to post about).


  1. Whoa, that is quite the haul!! Awesome books in there.

  2. Holy cow! An Evel Knievel comic in the quarter box? Sure it says "Free" on the cover, but still!

  3. Dex -- I know, right? :)

    Tom -- You never know what you'll find. That's why I always look.

  4. WOW, a ton of great finds! I love the quarter box. That Evel Knievel is awesome and all those starlogs gold!! and how about those A-Team books man getting jealous over here.

  5. Black Panther appeared in Marvel Premiere #51-53 - I didn't have #51 or #52 but I remember buying #53 (cover dated April 1980) on Easter Saturday, April 5th 1980 with a load of other comics such as Uncanny X-Men, Marvel Two-In-One and The Mighty Thor (here in Great Britain American Marvel comics went on sale in the actual month on the cover, not three months earlier like in America). And I'm almost certain I owned Marvel Spotlight featuring Nick Fury as the cover looks very familiar :)

  6. Colin -- My favorite era of Marvel Comics is the 1970s/early 80s. Some really good books came out at that time.

  7. Some great pickups there. For a quarter each you can't go wrong. Good post.
