Monday, August 18, 2014

Steel City Con Part 3: Stuff I Didn't Buy

Of course I saw a ton of stuff I would like to have, but just didn't have the funds for it.

 I actually have most of these cards. But, it was really cool seeing them all together like this.


 Star Wars costumes.

 More Megos.

 Shogun Warriors! I wanted that Hulk cup.

 More Shogun Warriors. I just need that Hulk's shirt.

 Remco Monsters!

 A buck an Anakin!

 Love this Creature!

 I had this Marvel Comics Super Heroes Card Game when I was a kid.

 More old wax packs.

 A whole bunch of awesome right here.

 I had Oh Hell. I have The Six Million Dollar Man. I wish I had Land of the Lost and The Monster Squad.

G.I. Joe USS Flagg. This thing is frickin' huge!


Bulldog said...

Love the photos. I'd be in heaven with everything you've shown. Right up my alley. I'll make it to one of the local cons some day and it'll be my turn. Great posts and glad you had a good time.

Jamdin said...

Thanks for sharing. I had the rubber red devil jiggler as a kid until one of our dogs got a hold of it. I still have my Mille Bornes game.

Unknown said...

Tons of great stuff there!

Anonymous said...

The wall of Mego's is making my mouth water....

Big Tone said...

I forgot that the old costumes used to come in boxes!Flashback!

Saqib Khatri said...

This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. I love seeing blog that understand the value of providing a quality resource for free. buy league smurfs

Anonymous said...

Where can i find your store? i always buy at this one buy lol smurf account