Thursday, July 31, 2008

Quark Coming To DVD

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is releasing the late 70's sci-fi comedy TV series Quark on DVD October 14th. Read the full story here.


Alpha Stone said...

Wow. Thanks for the heads up. I'm embarrassed to say (as an obsessive 70's enthusiast) that I don't remember this show at all... and the cover intrigues me. (Is that the dad from "Mork & Mindy" on the on the bottom right?)

I guess I owe you for 2 now, since your heads up on Odd Lots DVDs was helpful. Great blog!

Erick said...

Thanks Gilligan. I remember liking this show when I was a kid. I'm not sure how it holds up today. But, I will keep an eye out for the DVD.

Your blog's pretty cool. I like me some retro 70's. I urge everyone to check it out --


John Rozum said...

I loved this show as a kid. I'm sure it will hold up about as well as the non-animated portions of the Star Wars Holiday Special. I still remember that Gene/Jean, the hermaphrodite Han Solo slept with one eye open, the Betty twins, Ficus the plantman version of Spock and I think there was something about spongecake too.

Well, the good thing is that if Quark made it to DVD, there's hope that just about anything will make it to DVD.

Anonymous said...

loved that show, for what it was...


Plaidstallions said...

This news is going to make a lot of people happy.

Frederick said...

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I figured this would never get released, but here it is!!

I loved that show. They just need to upgrade the non-existant effects like the real Trek! :)

Thanks for the tip!!

Anonymous said...

now we need "tales of the gold monkey" on dvd and jake might finally get his i back...

thanks for such great posts!
happy second.
