I got this email the other day and I don't have this song. Can anybody help?
I ran across your blog (which I very much enjoyed) and thought you may be able to help me locate an old Halloween song we sang in elementary school.
Back in the mid-70's, every Halloween our music teacher would pull out a couple of Halloween albums and the 2 songs I remember the most are "Purple People Eater" and "Ghost of John" I can't find the song "Ghost of John" anywhere - well, at least not the original, which was far "scarier" than all the recently remade versions I've found on iTunes. Seeing that you have a very extensive collection I was hoping that you may either have this song or know where I can find it. I'm making a Halloween CD for my 5 year old niece and I want to introduce her to all the songs I heard when I was her age.
Thanks for your help.
Jason probably remembers the version from "The Haunted House and Other Spooky Poems and Tales". I grew up with that version, too, and put it on a CD for my kids a few years ago.
Hi Stephen,
Could you possibly share that? I'd appreciate it very much. Thanks.
More recently, this song appears on the children's cd/book combo WEE SING FOR HALLOWEEN from 2002. "Have You Seen the Ghost of John" is without doubt the best and spookiest song on the cd.
Does anyone have the version of Ghost of John with the big fart at the end of the track?
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