Monday, October 13, 2008

King Kong (1976) OST

I have to admit that I'm a fan of the 1976 King Kong remake. It may seem kind of cheesy now, but when I was 10 years old, it was the greatest movie ever made (until Star Wars came out the next year).

For your enjoyment, here's the soundtrack with music by John Barry --

Track Listing

1. The Opening
2. Maybe My Luck Has Changed
3. Arrival on the Island
4. Sacrifice / Hail to the King
5. Arthusa
6. Full Moon Domain / Beauty Is a Beast
7. Breakout to Captivity
8. Incomprehensible Captivity
9. Kong Hits the Big Apple
10. Blackout in New York / How About Buying Me a Drink
11. Climb to Skull Island
12. The End Is at Hand
13. The End

Click the link below to download --

--> King Kong (1976) OST <--


Project Director said...

"I have to admit that I'm a fan of the 1976 King Kong remake. It may seem kind of cheesy now, but when I was 10 years old, it was the greatest movie ever made (until Star Wars came out the next year)."

I am very right there in the same boat with you.

Unknown said...

I'm a huge fan as well. It's so underrated. I prefer this one any day over the '05 Peter Jackson version.

Anonymous said...

According to me Godzilla always remains as a heroic monster. I love collecting many Godzilla Toys. Its a fun playing with it.

Anonymous said...

i'd love to hear radio spots from that version--it was so heavily hyped. i recall seeing the 2005 version theatrically and was stunned during a scene when adrien brody was evidently laughing while a huge beast was apparently chasing him--not a reaction you or i would have in the same situation.