There's still plenty of Halloween goodness to be had at all of the other participating blogs. Make sure you check them out and stop by here every once in awhile to see what I'm up to.

Here's the rest of the links to my previously shared Halloween tunes --
Groovie Goolies
Monster Mash Tribute
Random Songs of Horror
Monster Bash 2007
Movie Monsters
Monster Bash on Haunted Hill 2008
Hope everything is okay - will still be watching your blog even if you can't post daily.
Take care!
Your personal life and family should take priority, Erick...we just hope all is okay. :-)
Best wishes with the personal matters and I hope they are not serious.
I'm barely keeping up myself and the countdown has been eating into my time for other stuff I should be doing and I don't think I've gotten any decent amount of sleep in a week so I completely understand.
Hope the personal matters are nothing serious and everything is good on your end.
Thanks for all the great stuff you've already posted - even if you can't post every day you're blog is still one of the best to follow :)
Take care of yourself.
Erick, don't sweat it. The quality of what you've been posting more than makes up for any amount of quantity.
Don't burn yourself out over this. It's not worth it. This is supposed to be fun. It shouldn't feel like pressure.
I know a lot of us who did this last year vowed never again by November 1, myself included. Realx, do what you need to, then when you're ready, put your costume back on and head back out for more trick-or-treating. I'll keep the jack o'lantern lit until you get back.
I'm looking forward to your next post.
Yeah, don't sweat it... I haven't even been posting every day, and I'm nearly out of stuff myself--- I grossly underestimated the amount of quality items I'd need... Not to worry, this is still fun, regardless... your blog is one of my faves, and I hope you get those personal issues under control quickly!
Thanks for the comments everyone. Nothing serious is going on, just everyday stuff I have to focus on. Hopefully I'll have a new post up in a couple of days. Maybe if I start now, I'll be ready for next year's countdown :)
Yes, real life has to take precedence over cyber life, but glad to hear you'll be back to the blog soon. I don't know--the way things are going in our country as we speak, the news has become too much like, well, Halloween. It's intruding on the annual celebration. I prefer pretend horrors, myself.
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