Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Stuff: The Wolfman Comic Book

This is the second printing of the Wolfman Movie Classic comic book published by Dell in 1964. It has a great cover illustration of Lon Chaney, Jr. as the Wolfman. The only problem is the story doesn't match the cover. It doesn't actually feature the Wolfman!?!


Alpha Stone said...

Let me get this straight - The title of the comic is "The Wolfman" and it features a picture of the wolfman.... yet it has nothing at all to do with the wolfman? Hmmm.

John Rozum said...

I love the cover on that comic. I've never seen the inside though.

Azathoth said...

What is the story about if it doesn't have the Wolfman in it?

Erick said...

It's basically about a guy who can control wolves and terrorizes a village. He ends up being killed by a silver cane. But, he ain't no Wolfman!

Azathoth said...


Anonymous said...

I remember this one from when I was a kid. You're right, it wasn't the classic Wolf Man story despite the cover. It was more of a European folk tale.
If I remember right, this was part of a series of comics about the movie monsters.
Dracula, Creature from the Black Lagoon, King Kong, the Mummy. None of them matched the movie versions very well. The Dracula comic had them using roses instead of crosses to ward off vampires.