Charles Nelson Reilly, who acted and directed on Broadway but came to be best known for his campy television appearances on talk shows and “Match Game,” died on Friday in Los Angeles. He was 76 and lived in Beverly Hills.
The cause was complications of pneumonia, said his partner, Patrick Hughes, who is his only immediate survivor. Mr. Reilly had been ill for more than a year, he said.
Read the full story

My personal memories of Mr. Reilly in the 1970's are as a panelist on
The Match Game and as Hoo Doo The Magician on the Sid & Marty Krofft show

Most recently, he was the voice of
The Dirty Bubble, enemy of Mermaidman and Barnacleboy on
SpongeBob Squarepants.
Here's a small zip file featuring--
1. Lidsville Theme
2. Lidsville Closing
3. Match Game '77
4. Match Game '79
Click below to download.
CNR <--
1 comment:
i believe he was also the voice for the semi-retarded nephew of the head owl named Hunch in Rockadoodle
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